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波粒相互作用是环电流损失的重要机制之一,但波粒相互作用导致的环电流离子沉降而损失迄今为止缺乏直接的观测证据.基于磁层及电离层卫星的协同观测,本文报道了发生在2015年9月7日,由电磁离子回旋波(EMIC波)导致环电流质子沉降的共轭观测事件.在等离子体层的内边界,Van Allen Probe B卫星观测到,存在EMIC波的区域和不存在EMIC波的区域相比,离子通量的投掷角分布的各向异性变弱.我们将Van Allen Probe B卫星沿着磁力线投影到电离层高度,同时在该投影区域内DMSP 16卫星在亚极光区域观测到环电流质子沉降.而且,通过从理论上计算质子弹跳平均扩散系数,我们进一步证实观测的EMIC波确实能将环电流质子散射到损失锥中.本文的研究工作为EMIC波导致环电流质子沉降提供了直接的观测证据,揭示了环电流衰减的重要物理机制:EMIC波将环电流质子散射到损失锥中,从而沉降到低高度大气层中而损失.  相似文献   
随着海南省进一步开放发展,海岸带区域的土地利用强度逐渐加强,生态保护需求日益增强。利用4期(1990、2000、2009、2015年)海岸带土地利用分类数据,研究海岸带土地开发利用强度,并分析了其生态承载力。结果表明:①耕地和林地是海南岛海岸带地区的主要土地类型。②25年间,海南岛海岸带土地利用强度整体较高且逐年上升,2000—2009年土地利用强度增速最高,达2.03%;海口市和澄迈县土地利用强度4期均值最大,分别为300.5和286.1。③25年来海南岛海岸带生态状况呈下降趋势,57%的海岸带市县实际生态承载压力增长了1倍以上。  相似文献   
The spatial and temporal variability of tidal mixing in Bohai Sea is studied using a numerical approach. In calculating tidal mixing, accurate barotropic tidal current is obtained via a harmonic analysis package utilizing the simulated current output from a high-resolution regional ocean model. And a “small-scale” roughness map is adopted to describe the detailed topographic features of Bohai Sea. It is shown that the tidal mixing estimated in Bohai Sea is much higher than the level of global background, and fluctuates considerably at some regions within a single day. In Liaodong Bay, Bohai Bay and Bohai Strait, the mixing varies greatly, with the peak value of O (10?2) m2 s?1. The order of magnitude of mixing in Laizhou Bay is about O (10?5~10?3) m2 s?1. Mixing with background level of O (10?5) m2 s?1 only appears in central area. Result also shows that rough topography plays relatively a more important role than tidal current in enhancing diapycnal mixing in Bohai Sea. The distributions of tidal mixing in selected sections reveal that the vertical stratification in Bohai Sea is not obvious, generally renders a barotropic structure.  相似文献   
使用1.5层准地转约化重力模式研究了周期性的或伴有贯穿流的西边界流跨隙流动的迟滞变异过程。当西边界流变化的周期比罗斯贝波在缺口处调整的时间尺度大得多时,在雷诺数增加和减少过程的霍夫分叉点都发生延迟,从而产生新的雷诺数迟滞区间;并且西边界流流态转变的临界值变化显著;且周期强迫越短,雷诺数迟滞区间越大。当西边界流变化的周期与罗斯贝波在缺口处调整的时间尺度相当时,西边界流在缺口的流态呈无迟滞的周期性变化,且西边界流入侵西海盆的程度随周期减少而变小。此外,当贯穿流的流量大于西边界流的一半时,会显著影响西边界流在缺口处的迟滞变异过程;西边界流向西入侵程度和流态转变发生的临界雷诺值均发生变化,且贯穿流流量越大变化越大。  相似文献   
The monitoring of turbidity currents enables accurate internal structure and timing of these flows to be understood. Without monitoring, triggers of turbidity currents often remain hypothetical and are inferred from sedimentary structures of deposits and their age. In this study, the bottom currents within 20 m of the seabed in one of the Pointe-des-Monts (Gulf of St. Lawrence, eastern Canada) submarine canyons were monitored for two consecutive years using Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers. In addition, multibeam bathymetric surveys were carried out during deployment of the Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers and recovery operations. These new surveys, along with previous multibeam surveys carried out over the last decade, revealed that crescentic bedforms have migrated upslope by about 20 to 40 m since 2007, despite the limited supply of sediment on the shelf or river inflow in the region. During the winter of 2017, two turbidity currents with velocities reaching 0·5 m sec−1 and 2·0 m sec−1, respectively, were recorded and were responsible for the rapid (<1 min) upstream migration of crescentic bedforms measured between the autumn surveys of 2016 and 2017. The 200 kg (in water) mooring was also displaced 10 m down-canyon, up the stoss side of a bedform, suggesting that a dense basal layer could be driving the flow during the first minute of the event. Two other weaker turbidity currents with speeds <0·5 m sec−1 occurred, but did not lead to any significant change on the seabed. These four turbidity currents coincided with strong and sustained wind speed >60 km h−1 and higher than normal wave heights. Repeat seabed mapping suggests that the turbidity currents cannot be attributed to a canyon-wall slope failure. Rather, sustained windstorms triggered turbidity currents either by remobilizing limited volumes of sediment on the shelf or by resuspending sediment in the canyon head. Turbidity currents can thus be triggered when the sediment volume available is limited, likely by eroding and incorporating canyon thalweg sediment in the flow, thereby igniting the flow. This process appears to be particularly important for the generation of turbidity currents capable of eroding the lee side of upslope migrating bedforms in sediment-starved environments and might have wider implications for the activity of submarine canyons worldwide. In addition, this study suggests that a large external trigger (in this case storms) is required to initiate turbidity currents in sediment-starved environments, which contrasts with supply-dominated environments where turbidity currents are sometimes recorded without a clear triggering mechanism.  相似文献   
中国泥炭矿成矿规律与开发利用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
泥炭是具有重要意义的新兴产业矿产,是传统矿产向新兴产业矿产“华丽转身”的典型。全球泥炭资源的总量约为5000亿吨,我国的泥炭资源总量仅为124. 96亿吨,资源量较为丰富,质量中等,但需要量在上升。我国泥炭的分布具有普遍性和不均匀性,成矿时代为第四纪(全新世),更早的泥炭多已经历成煤的早期阶段而转变为褐煤。我国的泥炭矿床类型主要以富营养草本泥炭为主,木本为辅,藓类泥炭次之。本文在对1988年全国泥炭报告中罗列的5719处泥炭矿产地进行梳理的基础上,总结其成矿规律,根据资源规模厘定出5个大型矿集区,7个中小型矿集区,3个大型预测区,为泥炭勘查工作提供依据。离最近一次全国泥炭资源调查已30年,多处泥炭地由于全球气候变化、城市化发展等原因而消失,非常有必要重新评估。需要强调的是,泥炭的用途已经不再是“燃料”矿产,不再主要用于取暖,而在节能环保、生物等战略性新兴产业中发挥特殊作用,故应该从生态文明建设、碳汇、环境保护、生物技术等角度创新定位其功能和用途。鉴于泥炭的新用途及其利用趋势,《中国矿产地质志》编委会建议将其定位为非金属矿产而非“能源”矿产,据此提出开发利用建议。  相似文献   
通过调查研究发现甘肃迭部地区地质遗迹资源涵盖3大类7类13亚类,尤以碳酸盐岩(岩溶地貌)、峡谷及冰川地貌等资源最为典型。区内数量繁多且独具特色的地质遗迹资源,是对中生代以来青藏高原东北缘地区沉积地层演化与区域构造—气候耦合过程中的重要地质事件的灵敏反映与记录者。提出了以政府引导与规范管理、协调统一与科学规划及品牌宣传的保护与开发利用建议,可为政府对迭部地区旅游产业整体规划、发展、决策和生态环境保护等提供依据,为开发这一地区的旅游资源提供引导。  相似文献   
本文以渭河盆地地温场为研究对象,在收集补充新地热井资料及分析测试样品的基础上,通过盆地深部结构、构造特征、地温场特征、热储层特征、地热资源量等分析,建立了盆地不同岩性岩石热导率与深度关系图版,确定了盆地地温场变化规律及地热田控制因素,提出了渭河盆地地热田形成模式。评价了盆地地热资源有利区,为盆地后续的开发利用提供了理论支持。研究认为渭河盆地热地温梯度分布在2.34~5.85℃/100m之间,平均地温梯度为3.50℃/100m,代表性大地热流68.33mw/m~2,地温梯度及不同深度地层温度具有东高西低、南高北低的特点。热导率总体上具有随深度的增加,逐渐增大的规律,热导率随深度增加主要受压实程度增强控制。相同深度条件下泥岩热导率最低,砂岩热导率居中、白云岩热导率最高。渭河盆地主要为层状地热田,盆地内地热通过热传导及热对流两种方式进行传递,以热传导为主。渭河盆地地热资源丰富,热储层可分为三种类型:①新生界砂岩孔隙型;②下古生界碳酸盐岩岩溶型;③断裂型。渭河盆地地热资源有利区主要分布于西安凹陷、固市凹陷。盆地地温场及地热田分布与莫霍面、软流圈上隆、岩石圈厚度减薄的深部背景密切相关,主要受地热传导和深大断裂热对流控制,是岩石圈深部结构、盆地构造、基底岩性、储盖组合等多因素共同作用下形成的。最后结合当前渭河盆地地热资源开发利用现状及存在问题,提出了地热开发利用建议。  相似文献   
基于非结构有限体积法海洋模型FVCOM(Finite-Volume Community Ocean Model), 建立了马六甲海峡及其毗邻海域高分辨率水动力数值模型, 研究了风和潮流作用下的余环流结构以及水体输运特征。结果表明, 马六甲海峡航道中央潮流运动以往复流为主, 边缘存在旋转流; 主要研究区域内落潮流速略大于涨潮流速, 东南窄道处流速最大; 因峡道束窄变浅, 在涨落潮过程中潮流发生汇聚与分离; 主要研究区域东南段存在3个显著的潮致余环流; 东北季风驱动时模型响应为海峡海流整体向西北方向流动, 西南季风时反之; 季风期间潮致表层余环流结构被破坏, 但底层余流仍存在水平环流结构, 且随着风速增加, 底层余环流的数目、大小、形状、位置均会产生变化; 季风过渡期余环流结构也会发生部分改变, 尤其是小潮期间风场影响效果显著。  相似文献   
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